System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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Name Default message text
Current message text
userrights (talk) (Translate) User rights
userrights-cannot-shorten-expiry (talk) (Translate) You cannot bring forward the expiry of membership in group "$1". Only users with permission to add and remove this group can bring forward expiry times.
userrights-changeable-col (talk) (Translate) Groups you can change
userrights-conflict (talk) (Translate) Conflict of user rights changes! Please review and confirm your changes.
userrights-editusergroup (talk) (Translate) Edit {{GENDER:$1|user}} groups
userrights-expiry (talk) (Translate) Expires:
userrights-expiry-current (talk) (Translate) Expires $1
userrights-expiry-existing (talk) (Translate) Existing expiration time: $3, $2
userrights-expiry-in-past (talk) (Translate) The expiry time for group "$1" is in the past.
userrights-expiry-none (talk) (Translate) Does not expire
userrights-expiry-options (talk) (Translate) 1 day:1 day,1 week:1 week,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months,1 year:1 year
userrights-expiry-othertime (talk) (Translate) Other time:
userrights-groups-help (talk) (Translate) You may alter the groups this user is in: * A checked box means the user is in that group. * An unchecked box means the user is not in that group. * A * indicates that you cannot remove the group once you have added it, or vice versa. * A # indicates that you can only put back the expiration time of this group membership; you cannot bring it forward.
userrights-groupsmember (talk) (Translate) Member of:
userrights-groupsmember-auto (talk) (Translate) Implicit member of:
userrights-groupsmember-type (talk) (Translate) $1
userrights-invalid-expiry (talk) (Translate) The expiry time for group "$1" is invalid.
userrights-irreversible-marker (talk) (Translate) $1*
userrights-lookup-user (talk) (Translate) Select a user
userrights-no-interwiki (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to edit user rights on other wikis.
userrights-no-shorten-expiry-marker (talk) (Translate) $1#
userrights-nodatabase (talk) (Translate) Database $1 does not exist or is not local.
userrights-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason:
userrights-summary (talk) (Translate)  
userrights-systemuser (talk) (Translate) {{GENDER:$1|This user}} is a system user
userrights-unchangeable-col (talk) (Translate) Groups you cannot change
userrights-user-editname (talk) (Translate) Enter a username:
userrights-viewusergroup (talk) (Translate) View {{GENDER:$1|user}} groups
validator-type-class-SMWParamSource (talk) (Translate) text
variantname-crh (talk) (Translate) crh
variantname-crh-cyrl (talk) (Translate) crh-Cyrl
variantname-crh-latn (talk) (Translate) crh-Latn
variantname-gan (talk) (Translate) gan
variantname-gan-hans (talk) (Translate) hans
variantname-gan-hant (talk) (Translate) hant
variantname-ike-cans (talk) (Translate) ike-Cans
variantname-ike-latn (talk) (Translate) ike-Latn
variantname-iu (talk) (Translate) iu
variantname-kk (talk) (Translate) kk
variantname-kk-arab (talk) (Translate) kk-arab
variantname-kk-cn (talk) (Translate) kk-cn
variantname-kk-cyrl (talk) (Translate) kk-cyrl
variantname-kk-kz (talk) (Translate) kk-kz
variantname-kk-latn (talk) (Translate) kk-latn
variantname-kk-tr (talk) (Translate) kk-tr
variantname-ku (talk) (Translate) ku
variantname-ku-arab (talk) (Translate) ku-Arab
variantname-ku-latn (talk) (Translate) ku-Latn
variantname-shi (talk) (Translate) shi
variantname-shi-latn (talk) (Translate) shi-Latn
variantname-shi-tfng (talk) (Translate) shi-Tfng
variantname-sr (talk) (Translate) sr
variantname-sr-ec (talk) (Translate) sr-ec
variantname-sr-el (talk) (Translate) sr-el
variantname-tg (talk) (Translate) tg
variantname-tg-cyrl (talk) (Translate) tg-Cyrl
variantname-tg-latn (talk) (Translate) tg-Latn
variantname-uz (talk) (Translate) uz
variantname-uz-cyrl (talk) (Translate) uz-Cyrl
variantname-uz-latn (talk) (Translate) uz-Latn
variantname-zh (talk) (Translate) zh
variantname-zh-cn (talk) (Translate) cn
variantname-zh-hans (talk) (Translate) hans
variantname-zh-hant (talk) (Translate) hant
variantname-zh-hk (talk) (Translate) hk
variantname-zh-mo (talk) (Translate) mo
variantname-zh-my (talk) (Translate) my
variantname-zh-sg (talk) (Translate) sg
variantname-zh-tw (talk) (Translate) tw
variants (talk) (Translate) Variants
vector-action-addsection (talk) (Translate) Add topic
vector-action-delete (talk) (Translate) Delete
vector-action-move (talk) (Translate) Move
vector-action-protect (talk) (Translate) Protect
vector-action-toggle-sidebar (talk) (Translate) Toggle sidebar
vector-action-undelete (talk) (Translate) Undelete
vector-action-unprotect (talk) (Translate) Change protection
vector-jumptonavigation (talk) (Translate) Jump to navigation
vector-jumptosearch (talk) (Translate) Jump to search
vector-more-actions (talk) (Translate) More
vector-opt-out (talk) (Translate) Switch to old look
vector-opt-out-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Change your settings to go back to the old look of the skin (legacy Vector)
vector-skin-desc (talk) (Translate) Modern version of MonoBook with fresh look and many usability improvements
vector-view-create (talk) (Translate) Create
vector-view-edit (talk) (Translate) Edit
vector-view-history (talk) (Translate) View history
vector-view-view (talk) (Translate) Read
vector-view-viewsource (talk) (Translate) View source
vector.css (talk) (Translate) /* All CSS here will be loaded for users of the Vector skin */
vector.js (talk) (Translate) /* All JavaScript here will be loaded for users of the Vector skin */
verification-error (talk) (Translate) This file did not pass file verification.
version (talk) (Translate) Version
version-antispam (talk) (Translate) Spam prevention
version-api (talk) (Translate) API
version-credits-not-found (talk) (Translate) No detailed credits information was found for this extension.
version-credits-summary (talk) (Translate) We would like to recognize the following persons for their contribution to [[Special:Version|MediaWiki]].
version-credits-title (talk) (Translate) Credits for $1
version-db-mariadb-url (talk) (Translate)
version-db-mysql-url (talk) (Translate)
version-db-percona-url (talk) (Translate)
version-db-postgres-url (talk) (Translate)
version-db-sqlite-url (talk) (Translate)
version-editors (talk) (Translate) Editors
version-entrypoints (talk) (Translate) Entry point URLs
version-entrypoints-api-php (talk) (Translate) [ api.php]
version-entrypoints-articlepath (talk) (Translate) [$wgArticlePath Article path]
version-entrypoints-header-entrypoint (talk) (Translate) Entry point
version-entrypoints-header-url (talk) (Translate) URL
version-entrypoints-index-php (talk) (Translate) [ index.php]
version-entrypoints-rest-php (talk) (Translate) [ rest.php]
version-entrypoints-scriptpath (talk) (Translate) [$wgScriptPath Script path]
version-ext-colheader-credits (talk) (Translate) Authors
version-ext-colheader-description (talk) (Translate) Description
version-ext-colheader-license (talk) (Translate) License
version-ext-colheader-name (talk) (Translate) Extension
version-ext-colheader-version (talk) (Translate) Version
version-ext-license (talk) (Translate) License
version-extensions (talk) (Translate) Installed extensions
version-hook-name (talk) (Translate) Hook name
version-hook-subscribedby (talk) (Translate) Subscribed by
version-hooks (talk) (Translate) Hooks
version-libraries (talk) (Translate) Installed libraries
version-libraries-authors (talk) (Translate) Authors
version-libraries-description (talk) (Translate) Description
version-libraries-library (talk) (Translate) Library
version-libraries-license (talk) (Translate) License
version-libraries-version (talk) (Translate) Version
version-license (talk) (Translate) MediaWiki License
version-license-info (talk) (Translate) MediaWiki is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MediaWiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but <em>WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY</em>; without even the implied warranty of <strong>MERCHANTABILITY</strong> or <strong>FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE</strong>. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received [{{SERVER}}{{SCRIPTPATH}}/COPYING a copy of the GNU General Public License] along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA or [// read it online].
version-license-not-found (talk) (Translate) No detailed license information was found for this extension.
version-license-title (talk) (Translate) License for $1
version-mediahandlers (talk) (Translate) Media handlers
version-no-ext-name (talk) (Translate) [no name]
version-other (talk) (Translate) Other
version-parser-extensiontags (talk) (Translate) Parser extension tags
version-parser-function-hooks (talk) (Translate) Parser function hooks
version-parserhooks (talk) (Translate) Parser hooks
version-poweredby-credits (talk) (Translate) This wiki is powered by <strong>[ MediaWiki]</strong>, copyright © 2001-$1 $2.
version-poweredby-others (talk) (Translate) others
version-poweredby-translators (talk) (Translate) translators
version-poweredby-various (talk) (Translate) Various authors
version-semantic (talk) (Translate) Semantic extensions
version-skin-colheader-name (talk) (Translate) Skin
version-skins (talk) (Translate) Installed skins
version-software (talk) (Translate) Installed software
version-software-product (talk) (Translate) Product
version-software-version (talk) (Translate) Version
version-specialpages (talk) (Translate) Special pages
version-summary (talk) (Translate)  
version-variables (talk) (Translate) Variables
version-version (talk) (Translate) ($1)
versionrequired (talk) (Translate) Version $1 of MediaWiki required
versionrequiredtext (talk) (Translate) Version $1 of MediaWiki is required to use this page. See [[Special:Version|version page]].
video-dims (talk) (Translate) $1, $2 × $3
view (talk) (Translate) View
view-foreign (talk) (Translate) View on $1
view-pool-error (talk) (Translate) Sorry, the servers are overloaded at the moment. Too many users are trying to view this page. Please wait a while before you try to access this page again. $1
viewcount (talk) (Translate) This page has been accessed {{PLURAL:$1|once|$1 times}}.
viewdeleted (talk) (Translate) View $1?
viewdeleted_short (talk) (Translate) View {{PLURAL:$1|one deleted edit|$1 deleted edits}}
viewdeletedpage (talk) (Translate) View deleted pages
viewhelppage (talk) (Translate) View help page
viewinguserrights (talk) (Translate) Viewing user rights of {{GENDER:$1|user}} <strong>[[User:$1|$1]]</strong> $2
viewpagelogs (talk) (Translate) View logs for this page
viewpagelogs-lowercase (talk) (Translate) view logs for this page
viewprevnext (talk) (Translate) View ($1 {{int:pipe-separator}} $2) ($3)
views (talk) (Translate) Views
viewsource (talk) (Translate) View source
viewsource-title (talk) (Translate) View source for $1
viewsourcelink (talk) (Translate) view source
viewsourceold (talk) (Translate) view source
viewsourcetext (talk) (Translate) You can view and copy the source of this page.
viewtalkpage (talk) (Translate) View discussion
viewyourtext (talk) (Translate) You can view and copy the source of <strong>your edits</strong> to this page.
virus-badscanner (talk) (Translate) Bad configuration: Unknown virus scanner: <em>$1</em>
virus-scanfailed (talk) (Translate) scan failed (code $1)
virus-unknownscanner (talk) (Translate) unknown antivirus:
wantedcategories (talk) (Translate) Wanted categories
wantedcategories-summary (talk) (Translate)  
wantedfiles (talk) (Translate) Wanted files
wantedfiles-summary (talk) (Translate)  
wantedfiletext-cat (talk) (Translate) The following files are used but do not exist. Files from foreign repositories may be listed despite existing. Any such false positives will be <del>struck out</del>. Additionally, pages that embed files that do not exist are listed in [[:$1]].
wantedfiletext-cat-noforeign (talk) (Translate) The following files are used but do not exist. Additionally, pages that embed files that do not exist are listed in [[:$1]].
wantedfiletext-nocat (talk) (Translate) The following files are used but do not exist. Files from foreign repositories may be listed despite existing. Any such false positives will be <del>struck out</del>.
wantedfiletext-nocat-noforeign (talk) (Translate) The following files are used but do not exist.
wantedpages (talk) (Translate) Wanted pages
wantedpages-badtitle (talk) (Translate) Invalid title in result set: $1
wantedpages-summary (talk) (Translate) List of non-existing pages with the most links to them, excluding pages which only have redirects linking to them. For a list of non-existent pages that have redirects linking to them, see [[{{#special:BrokenRedirects}}|the list of broken redirects]].
wantedproperties (talk) (Translate) Wanted properties
wantedtemplates (talk) (Translate) Wanted templates
wantedtemplates-summary (talk) (Translate)  
watch (talk) (Translate) Watch
watching (talk) (Translate) Watching...
watchlist (talk) (Translate) Watchlist
watchlist-details (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 page is|$1 pages are}} on your Watchlist (plus talk pages).
watchlist-expires-in-aria-label (talk) (Translate) Expiring watchlist item
watchlist-expiring-days-full-text (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|1 day|$1 days}} left in your watchlist
watchlist-expiring-hours-full-text (talk) (Translate) A few hours left in your watchlist
watchlist-expiry-days-left (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 day|$1 days}} left
watchlist-expiry-hours-left (talk) (Translate) A few hours left
watchlist-expiry-options (talk) (Translate) Permanent:infinite,1 week:1 week,1 month:1 month,3 months:3 months,6 months:6 months
watchlist-hide (talk) (Translate) Hide
watchlist-options (talk) (Translate) Watchlist options
watchlist-submit (talk) (Translate) Show
watchlist-summary (talk) (Translate)  
watchlist-unwatch (talk) (Translate) ×
watchlist-unwatch-undo (talk) (Translate) +
watchlistanontext (talk) (Translate) Please log in to view or edit items on your watchlist.
watchlistedit-clear-done (talk) (Translate) Your watchlist has been cleared.
watchlistedit-clear-explain (talk) (Translate) All of the titles will be removed from your watchlist
watchlistedit-clear-jobqueue (talk) (Translate) Your watchlist is being cleared. This may take some time!
watchlistedit-clear-legend (talk) (Translate) Clear watchlist
watchlistedit-clear-removed (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|1 title was|$1 titles were}} removed:
watchlistedit-clear-submit (talk) (Translate) Clear the watchlist (This is permanent!)
watchlistedit-clear-title (talk) (Translate) Clear watchlist
watchlistedit-clear-titles (talk) (Translate) Titles:
watchlistedit-normal-done (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|A single title was|$1 titles were}} removed from your watchlist:
watchlistedit-normal-explain (talk) (Translate) Titles on your watchlist are shown below. To remove a title, check the box next to it, and click "{{int:Watchlistedit-normal-submit}}". You can also [[Special:EditWatchlist/raw|edit the raw list]].
watchlistedit-normal-legend (talk) (Translate) Remove titles from watchlist
watchlistedit-normal-submit (talk) (Translate) Remove titles
watchlistedit-normal-title (talk) (Translate) Edit watchlist
watchlistedit-raw-added (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|1 title was|$1 titles were}} added:
watchlistedit-raw-done (talk) (Translate) Your watchlist has been updated.
watchlistedit-raw-explain (talk) (Translate) Titles on your watchlist are shown below, and can be edited by adding to and removing from the list; one title per line. When finished, click "{{int:Watchlistedit-raw-submit}}". You can also [[Special:EditWatchlist|use the standard editor]].
watchlistedit-raw-legend (talk) (Translate) Edit raw watchlist
watchlistedit-raw-removed (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|1 title was|$1 titles were}} removed:
watchlistedit-raw-submit (talk) (Translate) Update watchlist
watchlistedit-raw-title (talk) (Translate) Edit raw watchlist
watchlistedit-raw-titles (talk) (Translate) Titles:
watchlistedit-too-many (talk) (Translate) There are too many pages to display here.
watchlistfor2 (talk) (Translate) For $1 $2
watchlisttools-clear (talk) (Translate) Clear the watchlist
watchlisttools-edit (talk) (Translate) View and edit watchlist
watchlisttools-raw (talk) (Translate) Edit raw watchlist
watchlisttools-view (talk) (Translate) View relevant changes
watchnologin (talk) (Translate) Not logged in
watchthis (talk) (Translate) Watch this page
watchthispage (talk) (Translate) Watch this page
watchthisupload (talk) (Translate) Watch this file
wed (talk) (Translate) Wed
wednesday (talk) (Translate) Wednesday
wednesday-at (talk) (Translate) Wednesday at $1
weeks (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 week|$1 weeks}}
welcomecreation-msg (talk) (Translate) Your account has been created. You can change your {{SITENAME}} [[Special:Preferences|preferences]] if you wish.
welcomeuser (talk) (Translate) Welcome, $1!
whatlinkshere (talk) (Translate) What links here
whatlinkshere-count (talk) (Translate) Displayed $1 {{PLURAL:$1|item|items}}.
whatlinkshere-filters (talk) (Translate) Filters
whatlinkshere-hideimages (talk) (Translate) $1 file links
whatlinkshere-hidelinks (talk) (Translate) $1 links
whatlinkshere-hideredirs (talk) (Translate) $1 redirects
whatlinkshere-hidetrans (talk) (Translate) $1 transclusions
whatlinkshere-links (talk) (Translate) ← links
whatlinkshere-next (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|next|next $1}}
whatlinkshere-page (talk) (Translate) Page:
whatlinkshere-prev (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|previous|previous $1}}
whatlinkshere-sectionredir (talk) (Translate) redirect to section "$1"
whatlinkshere-submit (talk) (Translate) Go
whatlinkshere-summary (talk) (Translate)  
whatlinkshere-title (talk) (Translate) Pages that link to "$1"
whitelistedittext (talk) (Translate) Please $1 to edit pages.
widthheight (talk) (Translate) $1 × $2
widthheightpage (talk) (Translate) $1 × $2, $3 {{PLURAL:$3|page|pages}}
wikieditor (talk) (Translate) Advanced wikitext editing interface
wikieditor-desc (talk) (Translate) Provides an advanced, extensible wikitext editing interface
wikieditor-loading (talk) (Translate) Loading...
wikieditor-toolbar (talk) (Translate) Editing toolbar
wikieditor-toolbar-desc (talk) (Translate) Edit page toolbar with enhanced usability
wikieditor-toolbar-file-caption (talk) (Translate) Caption:
wikieditor-toolbar-file-default (talk) (Translate) (default)
wikieditor-toolbar-file-float (talk) (Translate) Align:
wikieditor-toolbar-file-format (talk) (Translate) Format:
wikieditor-toolbar-file-format-none (talk) (Translate) none
wikieditor-toolbar-file-size (talk) (Translate) Size:
wikieditor-toolbar-file-target (talk) (Translate) Filename:
wikieditor-toolbar-group-format (talk) (Translate) Format
wikieditor-toolbar-group-insert (talk) (Translate) Insert
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bold-description (talk) (Translate) Bold
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bold-result (talk) (Translate) <strong>Bold text</strong>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bold-syntax (talk) (Translate) '''Bold text'''
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bolditalic-description (talk) (Translate) Bold & italic
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bolditalic-result (talk) (Translate) <strong><em>Bold & italic text</em></strong>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-bolditalic-syntax (talk) (Translate) '''''Bold & italic text'''''
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-caption (talk) (Translate) Caption text
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-description (talk) (Translate) Embedded file
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-file-syntax (talk) (Translate) [[$1:Example.png|$2|$3]]
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading2-description (talk) (Translate) 2nd level heading
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading2-result (talk) (Translate) <h2>Heading text</h2>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading2-syntax (talk) (Translate) == Heading text ==
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading3-description (talk) (Translate) 3rd level heading
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading3-result (talk) (Translate) <h3>Heading text</h3>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading3-syntax (talk) (Translate) === Heading text ===
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading4-description (talk) (Translate) 4th level heading
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading4-result (talk) (Translate) <h4>Heading text</h4>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading4-syntax (talk) (Translate) ==== Heading text ====
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading5-description (talk) (Translate) 5th level heading
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading5-result (talk) (Translate) <h5>Heading text</h5>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-heading5-syntax (talk) (Translate) ===== Heading text =====
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ilink-description (talk) (Translate) Internal link
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ilink-result (talk) (Translate) <a href='#'>Page title</a><br /><a href='#'>Link label</a>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ilink-syntax (talk) (Translate) [[Page title]]<br />[[Page title|Link label]]
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-indent-description (talk) (Translate) Indent
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-indent-result (talk) (Translate) Normal text<dl><dd>Indented text<dl><dd>Indented text</dd></dl></dd></dl>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-indent-syntax (talk) (Translate) Normal text<br />:Indented text<br />::Indented text
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-italic-description (talk) (Translate) Italic
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-italic-result (talk) (Translate) <em>Italic text</em>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-italic-syntax (talk) (Translate) ''Italic text''
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-named-reference-description (talk) (Translate) Named reference
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-named-reference-result (talk) (Translate) Page text.<sup><a href='#'>[2]</a></sup>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-named-reference-syntax (talk) (Translate) Page text.<ref name="test">[ Link text]</ref>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-olist-description (talk) (Translate) Numbered list
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-olist-result (talk) (Translate) <ol><li>List item</li><li>List item</li></ol>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-olist-syntax (talk) (Translate) # List item<br /># List item
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-description (talk) (Translate) Reference
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-result (talk) (Translate) Page text.<sup><a href='#'>[1]</a></sup>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-reference-syntax (talk) (Translate) Page text.<ref>[ Link text], additional text.</ref>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-description (talk) (Translate) Additional use of same reference
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-result (talk) (Translate) Page text.<sup><a href='#'>[2]</a></sup>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-rereference-syntax (talk) (Translate) <ref name="test" />
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-description (talk) (Translate) Display references
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-result (talk) (Translate) <ol class='references'><li id='cite_note-test-0'><b><a title='' href='#'>^</a></b> <a rel='nofollow' title='' class='external text' href='#'>Link text</a>, additional text.</li><li id='cite_note-test-1'><b><a title='' href='#'>^</a></b> <a rel='nofollow' title='' class='external text' href='#'>Link text</a></li></ol>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-showreferences-syntax (talk) (Translate) <references />
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signature-description (talk) (Translate) Signature
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signature-result (talk) (Translate) <a href='#' title='$1:Username'>Username</a> (<a href='#' title='$2:Username'>talk</a>)
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signature-syntax (talk) (Translate) ~~~
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signaturetimestamp-description (talk) (Translate) Signature with timestamp
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signaturetimestamp-result (talk) (Translate) --<a href='#' title='$1:Username'>Username</a> (<a href='#' title='$2:Username'>talk</a>) 15:54, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-signaturetimestamp-syntax (talk) (Translate) --~~~~
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ulist-description (talk) (Translate) Bulleted list
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ulist-result (talk) (Translate) <ul><li>List item</li><li>List item</li></ul>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-ulist-syntax (talk) (Translate) * List item<br />* List item
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-xlink-description (talk) (Translate) External link
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-xlink-result (talk) (Translate) <a href='#' class='external'>Link label</a><br /><a href='#' class='external autonumber'>[1]</a><br /><a href='#' class='external'></a>
wikieditor-toolbar-help-content-xlink-syntax (talk) (Translate) [ Link label]<br />[]<br />
wikieditor-toolbar-help-heading-description (talk) (Translate) Description
wikieditor-toolbar-help-heading-result (talk) (Translate) What you get
wikieditor-toolbar-help-heading-syntax (talk) (Translate) What you type
wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-discussion (talk) (Translate) Discussion
wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-file (talk) (Translate) Files
wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-format (talk) (Translate) Formatting
wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-heading (talk) (Translate) Headings
wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-link (talk) (Translate) Links
wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-list (talk) (Translate) Lists
wikieditor-toolbar-help-page-reference (talk) (Translate) References
wikieditor-toolbar-loading (talk) (Translate) Loading...
wikieditor-toolbar-preference (talk) (Translate) Enable the editing toolbar
wikieditor-toolbar-preference-help (talk) (Translate) This is sometimes called the '2010 wikitext editor'.
wikieditor-toolbar-section-advanced (talk) (Translate) Advanced
wikieditor-toolbar-section-characters (talk) (Translate) Special characters
wikieditor-toolbar-section-help (talk) (Translate) Help
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-big (talk) (Translate) Big
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-big-example (talk) (Translate) Big text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold (talk) (Translate) Bold
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-bold-example (talk) (Translate) Bold text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file (talk) (Translate) Images and media
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-cancel (talk) (Translate) Cancel
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-example (talk) (Translate) Example.jpg
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-insert (talk) (Translate) Insert
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-title (talk) (Translate) Insert file
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-file-upload (talk) (Translate) Upload
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-gallery (talk) (Translate) Picture gallery
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-gallery-example (talk) (Translate) Example.jpg|Caption1 Example.jpg|Caption2
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading (talk) (Translate) Heading
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wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-2 (talk) (Translate) Level 2
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-3 (talk) (Translate) Level 3
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-4 (talk) (Translate) Level 4
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-5 (talk) (Translate) Level 5
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-heading-example (talk) (Translate) Heading text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ilink (talk) (Translate) Internal link
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ilink-example (talk) (Translate) Link title
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-italic (talk) (Translate) Italic
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-italic-example (talk) (Translate) Italic text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link (talk) (Translate) Link
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel (talk) (Translate) Cancel
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-empty (talk) (Translate) You did not enter anything to link to.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext (talk) (Translate) To an external web page
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext-target (talk) (Translate) Link URL:
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext-text (talk) (Translate) Link text:
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-insert (talk) (Translate) Insert link
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int (talk) (Translate) To a wiki page
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-invalid (talk) (Translate) The title you specified is invalid.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target (talk) (Translate) Target page or URL:
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-disambig (talk) (Translate) Disambiguation page
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-exists (talk) (Translate) Page exists
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-external (talk) (Translate) External link
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-invalid (talk) (Translate) Invalid title
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-loading (talk) (Translate) Checking page existence...
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-notexists (talk) (Translate) Page does not exist
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Page title or URL
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text (talk) (Translate) Text to display:
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Text to be displayed
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal (talk) (Translate) The URL you specified looks like it was intended as a link to another wiki page. Do you want to make it an internal link?
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-ext (talk) (Translate) External link
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-int (talk) (Translate) Internal link
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-title (talk) (Translate) Insert link
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-newline (talk) (Translate) New line
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-nowiki (talk) (Translate) No wiki formatting
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-nowiki-example (talk) (Translate) Insert non-formatted text here
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-olist (talk) (Translate) Numbered list
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-olist-example (talk) (Translate) Numbered list item
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-redirect (talk) (Translate) Redirect
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-redirect-example (talk) (Translate) Target page name
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference (talk) (Translate) Reference
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-cancel (talk) (Translate) Cancel
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-example (talk) (Translate) Insert footnote text here
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-insert (talk) (Translate) Insert
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-text (talk) (Translate) Reference text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-title (talk) (Translate) Insert reference
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace (talk) (Translate) Search and replace
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-button-findnext (talk) (Translate) Find next
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-button-replace (talk) (Translate) Replace
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-button-replaceall (talk) (Translate) Replace all
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-case (talk) (Translate) Match case
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-close (talk) (Translate) Close
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-emptysearch (talk) (Translate) You did not enter anything to search for.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-invalidregex (talk) (Translate) The regular expression you entered is invalid: $1
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-nomatch (talk) (Translate) Your search did not match anything.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-regex (talk) (Translate) Treat search string as a regular expression
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-replace (talk) (Translate) Replace with:
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-search (talk) (Translate) Search for:
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-success (talk) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|replacement|replacements}} made.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-title (talk) (Translate) Search and replace
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-word (talk) (Translate) Match whole word
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-signature (talk) (Translate) Signature and timestamp
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-small (talk) (Translate) Small
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-small-example (talk) (Translate) Small text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-subscript (talk) (Translate) Subscript
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-subscript-example (talk) (Translate) Subscript text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-superscript (talk) (Translate) Superscript
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-superscript-example (talk) (Translate) Superscript text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table (talk) (Translate) Table
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-cancel (talk) (Translate) Cancel
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-columns (talk) (Translate) Columns
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-header (talk) (Translate) Add header row
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-rows (talk) (Translate) Rows
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example (talk) (Translate) Example
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-caption (talk) (Translate) Caption text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text (talk) (Translate) Cell text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-header (talk) (Translate) Header text
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-old (talk) (Translate) - ! header 1 ! header 2 ! header 3 |- | row 1, cell 1 | row 1, cell 2 | row 1, cell 3 |- | row 2, cell 1 | row 2, cell 2 | row 2, cell 3
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-text (talk) (Translate) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec purus diam. Sed aliquam imperdiet nunc quis lacinia. Donec rutrum consectetur placerat. Sed volutpat neque non purus faucibus id ultricies enim euismod.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-insert (talk) (Translate) Insert
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-invalidnumber (talk) (Translate) You have not entered a valid number of rows or columns.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-preview (talk) (Translate) Preview
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-sortable (talk) (Translate) Make table sortable
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-title (talk) (Translate) Insert table
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-toomany (talk) (Translate) Inserting a table with more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|cell|cells}} is not possible with this dialog.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-wikitable (talk) (Translate) Style with borders
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-zero (talk) (Translate) You cannot insert a table with zero rows or columns.
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ulist (talk) (Translate) Bulleted list
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-ulist-example (talk) (Translate) Bulleted list item
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-xlink (talk) (Translate) External link (remember http:// prefix)
wikieditor-toolbar-tool-xlink-example (talk) (Translate) link title
wikieditor-wikitext-tab (talk) (Translate) Wikitext
windows-nonascii-filename (talk) (Translate) This wiki does not support filenames with special characters.
withoutinterwiki (talk) (Translate) Pages without language links
withoutinterwiki-legend (talk) (Translate) Prefix
withoutinterwiki-submit (talk) (Translate) Show
withoutinterwiki-summary (talk) (Translate) The following pages do not link to other language versions.
wlheader-enotif (talk) (Translate) Email notification is enabled.
wlheader-showupdated (talk) (Translate) Pages that have been changed since you last visited them are shown in <strong>bold</strong>.
wlnote (talk) (Translate) Below {{PLURAL:$1|is the last change|are the last <strong>$1</strong> changes}} in the last {{PLURAL:$2|hour|<strong>$2</strong> hours}}, as of $3, $4.
wlshowhideanons (talk) (Translate) anonymous users
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wlshowhideliu (talk) (Translate) registered users
wlshowhidemine (talk) (Translate) my edits
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wlshowtime (talk) (Translate) Period of time to display:
word-separator (talk) (Translate)
wrongpassword (talk) (Translate) Incorrect username or password entered. Please try again.
wrongpasswordempty (talk) (Translate) Password entered was blank. Please try again.
xffblockreason (talk) (Translate) An IP address present in the X-Forwarded-For header, either yours or that of a proxy server you are using, has been blocked. The original block reason was: $1
xml-error-string (talk) (Translate) $1 at line $2, col $3 (byte $4): $5
year (talk) (Translate) From year (and earlier):
years (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 year|$1 years}}
yesterday-at (talk) (Translate) Yesterday at $1
youhavenewmessages (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$3|You have}} $1 ($2).
youhavenewmessagesfromusers (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$4|You have}} $1 from {{PLURAL:$3|another user|$3 users}} ($2).
youhavenewmessagesmanyusers (talk) (Translate) You have $1 from many users ($2).
youhavenewmessagesmulti (talk) (Translate) You have new messages on $1
yourdiff (talk) (Translate) Differences
yourdomainname (talk) (Translate) Your domain:
youremail (talk) (Translate) Email:
yourgender (talk) (Translate) How do you prefer to be described?
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yourname (talk) (Translate) Username:
yournick (talk) (Translate) New signature:
yourpassword (talk) (Translate) Password:
yourpasswordagain (talk) (Translate) Retype password:
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youtube-desc (talk) (Translate) Embeds YouTube movies, audio and video, WeGame and Gametrailers video, and Tangler forum
zip-bad (talk) (Translate) The file is a corrupt or otherwise unreadable ZIP file. It cannot be properly checked for security.
zip-file-open-error (talk) (Translate) An error was encountered when opening the file for ZIP checks.
zip-unsupported (talk) (Translate) The file is a ZIP file that uses ZIP features not supported by MediaWiki. It cannot be properly checked for security.
zip-wrong-format (talk) (Translate) The specified file was not a ZIP file.
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